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Zoomspeed Hilton Launch Party

Zoomspeed Hilton Launch Party

Event: Zoomspeed VIP launch party at Glass Brasserie at the Hilton, with 100 members. As part of the event, we involved several luxury brands such as Jurlique, Redken, Laduree and Freywille. With over $10,000 worth of gifts and prizes for guests.

Marketing: Luxion was involved in the organising of this event, gathering sponsors and the invitation of selected guests. We also captured amazing video and photography from the event. We then broadcasted coverage of the event through several Chinese media channels.

Result: Huge exposure for Hilton, Glass Brasserie and all luxury brands involved on the night. Extensive social sharing during and following the event. Produced marketing collateral for Zoomspeed and Hilton for future marketing use.


Event, Photography, Social Media, Video