=== Reactor: Core === Contributors: apppresser, modemlooper, scottopolis, webdevstudios, williamsba1, messenlehner, lisasabinwilson, tw2113 Tags: android, android app, App, application, iOS, ios app, iphone app, mobile, mobile app, native app, wordpress mobile Requires at least: 3.9 Tested up to: 4.7.3 Stable tag: 0.2.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Reactor: Core connects your site to mobile apps built with Reactor: Builder. == Description == Reactor: Core connects your site to mobile apps built with Reactor: Builder. Adds JSON API endpoints to allow custom data in your Reactor powered apps. To utilize this plugin you will need an active account at http://reactor.apppresser.com. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65L90xeK-4c] Sign up now and start creating mobile apps for your WordPress sites! http://reactor.apppresser.com Includes all WP-API endpoints Adds /wp-json/reactor/media *this is an endpoint for media galleries Adds /wp-json/posts?type=product *if WooCommerce is installed Woo meta is added to CPT == Installation == Activate plugin and the JSON API is available to Reactor. NOTE: This plugin contains the master branch of JSON API version 1. It will not work with the WP-API version 2, and may conflict with APIs in other plugins, such as Jetpack. == Frequently Asked Questions == == Upgrade Notice == == Changelog == = 0.2.4 = PHP 7 compatibility = 0.2.4 = Add missing theme_switcher file = 0.2.3 = WordPress 4.4 compatibility Bump to 0.2.3 to fix incorrect versioning = 0.1.2 = Authentication (login) = 0.1.1 = add custom featured image sizes for usage in app = 0.1 = remove unused inappbrowser code = 0.0.9 = Gravity form support = 0.0.8 = Woo add to cart functionality = 0.0.7 = add args to API get_comments = 0.0.6 = Bumped up size of woo product thumbnail = 0.0.5 = Fix woo currency symbol = 0.0.4 = Fix url issues in landing page. = 0.0.3 = Fix valid plugin header errors upon activation = 0.0.2 = Initial release